Am onboard an Air India flight from Bangalore back to Delhi
on to Zurich and Munich after a phenomenal week in India. I have to say that I
don’t remember such a warm welcome by team colleagues and HP employees on any
of my previous business trips ever – at least not in the past few years.
I had a wonderfully packed agenda that covered a wide
spectrum ranging from a presentation and panel discussion at the AMCHAM meeting
in Delhi to discuss HP’s approach to Shared Value to a series of Volunteering
events in Delhi and Bangalore as well as a visit to a rural HP ehealth center
in Payra Danga close to Kolkatta.
Here are a few impressions:
Day1: After the HP Living Progress presentation at the AMCHAM
Launch of Compendium of CSR Activities followed a Panel Discussion on “Creating
Shared Value: The New CSR”: Picture is with Dr. Chatterjee from the Indian
Ministry of Corporate Affairs – we had a very good discussion on the new Indian
CSR regulation and its implications on companies like HP. Actually, we met with
all the Business leads and functions subsequently to work on a plan to put this
into action for HP.
It was also great to finally meet the Indian Leadership Team
as well as the Corporate Affairs Team in
India in person – we spent the afternoon
together to work on plans how to best scale our Living Progress
Initiatives in India to benefit the people at the bottom of the pyramid. We have a lot of work ahead of us and I look
forward to scaling our ehealth centers and expanding our HP LIFE e learning initiative in

Day 3: Visit to
the HP ehealth centre in Payra Danga close to Kolkutta
I have to admit that the 2.5h drive from the city to the
village of Payra Danga and back was quite an adventure – streets are narrow,
traffic is heavy, everybody is honking all the time and people don’t pay much
attention to which side of the street they are driving on…between the crazy
traffic, the cows that cross the street every now and then and the people that
cut their way across the street you end up thinking that it seems impossible to
arrive all in one piece. But we did it!
And this is what we saw when we got there - one of the HP e health centres that brings
healthcare to rural areas rather than bringing people to the cities where the
vast majority of healthcare is being offered. It’s a simple container equipped with medical
devices – all hooked up to the cloud so that the doctors can analyse the data
and make smarter fact based decisions.
Here you can see Sushil Bhatla our program
manager for the ehealth centers talking to Ravi Natarajan who heads Corporate Relations and CSR at our
partner organization NH – while a
few women are waiting for their
medication after having had a consultation with the doctor via video link
3 cities - 3 quite different impressions: Bangalore is further south located in the
state of Karnataka and is widely known as the Silicon Valley of India with a
heavy presence of IT companies. No wonder that the city is amongst the top ten
preferred entrepreneurial locations in the world – so an ideal location for us
to discuss the rollout of HP Life e-learning. We started off the day with a
great joint volunteering activity with the Agastya Foundation and attended a
science fair where kids learn the principles of physics through a series of low
cost innovative experiments and hands on examples that make learning fun…
Below is a group
picture with the kids and our HP volunteers..
One of the highlights of the
trip – and there were many - was the
visit in Bangalore where I met with some of the most dedicated, passionate and
creative HP employees on the globe. I had already known that these folks
tirelessly get engaged in their communities and that they use their IT and
Application Design skills to come up with replicable solutions that address
critical societal and environmental issues. But when I got to the office to
meet with a team of about 60 volunteers I found out that approximately 20 of
them had gotten on a bus overnight to drive from Chennai to Bangalore to meet
with my colleague Elizabeth and myself to share some of the good work that they
are doing in their local community. Not only had they spent their night on the
bus but they also took the day as a vacation day which is really incredible.
Chennai is not on my list for my next visit to India in the hopefully not too
distant future.
When you follow healthcare in India you will soon come
across the name of Dr Devi Shetty, the
Indian cardiac surgeon who has dedicated his life to making cutting-edge
medical care affordable to the masses in India and lately also beyond the
borders of India. He is not only one of the most charismatic people I have met
but also a visionary and pioneer when it comes to utilzing technology in
hospitals to remove human error. We have often called healthcare the last
frontier of IT since the industry simply has not transformed itself the way
other verticals like Finance and Media have gone through. There is still a lot
of paper based communication going on and a lot of human errors have catastrophic
results for the patients. Dr Shetty is working on a fully automated dashboard
similarly to what our team has done with HP Labs and the Lucille Packard
Hospital in the US. So we are looking at how we can further share our learnings
and help them apply technology to drive efficiencies and better access for
people in India to their health system.
It was an
incredible week with fascinating and rich impressions and I very much look
forward to returning to this beautiful
country and the fabulous people I have met during my stay. The team deserves a big
THANK YOU for putting this amazing trip together.
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