Saturday, August 10, 2013

Deviate to innovate

I have not done any empiric research on this topic but I keep observing specific behaviors of folks that I would consider “innovative”….

There is tons of talk about innovation out there.  Companies know it is critical to innovate and stay ahead of the curve, disrupt markets and create new revenue streams to stay competitive in the long run. Individuals know that they need to demonstrate 21st century skills which means that they constantly must reinvent themselves, renew their skills and redefine their jobs.
However, most people tend to operate comfortably in an environment that is characterized by rules and regulations, repetition, and  that is non-confrontational. Problem is that playing it safe by applying the rules of the current game might make you a player but does not make you a winner in today’s business environment.

So what is the secret to being truly innovative?

First and foremost I think folks need to recognize that impactful innovation is not about extrapolating stuff we know today and it is not about incremental change. It requires that you forget just about everything you have been taught at school about “good behavior”, that you break the frameworks, break the rules, and practically “rock the boat”.  
So what kind of a character will be most likely to be truly innovative in today’s hypercompetitive environment?

I think the following characteristics are good descriptors for this kind of a personality:
·         Non conform – defy norms, rules, the way stuff gets done
·         Self confident, somebody that does not need ongoing reassurance from others
·         Unafraid – ready to crush any barriers that might get in the way
·         Relentless until it hurts
·         Motivated Self starter
·         Curious beyond belief
·         Immersed in new technologies as “enablers”

But that is not enough.

Innovation also needs collaboration, time, and reinforcement that might need to come from the system – depending on available resources
·         I believe that innovation happens when you connect the unexpected. Connecting in and by itself is critical as innovation usually happens when you put “stuff” together – so it is calling for a collaborative approach.
·         And….like Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard said in the 1940’s  -innovation takes time – they believed that the HP engineers should spend their Fridays on brainstorming, and dedicating time to coming up with new and creative ideas. What an innovative approach over 70 years ago (!)
·         It is also critical to create an environment where creativity, new ideas, new approaches are appreciated, heard and evaluated to see which - if any  - have potential to become productized or a new service. (unless you are able to drive this yourself)

So what can we do to foster a more innovative environment that encourages breakthrough thinking?
1.      Start early in schools and ensure that our children develop the kind of character and behavior that it takes to be successful in the 21st century – this will drive all other changes
2.      Let kids use technology and focus on the outcome rather than having them figure out logarithms and algorithms that the computer can much quicker
3.      Accept the fact that you cannot disrupt incrementally – THINK BIG
4.      Create that important “sense of urgency” that will move things along

I am sure there is more but this is going to get us started moving in the right direction.

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